Luigi Micheletti Award

Luigi Micheletti Award 2006 Winner
Tom Tits Experiment - Södertälje (Sweden)

Tom Tits Experiment presents science and technology in an exhibition with 400 hands on exhibits. The museum building is an old factory formerly used for producing centrifuges and separators. Four stories indoors offer exhibits open to visitors all year round. From May until September exhibits are also presented outdoors.

The exhibition opened in 1987 with an area of 470 sq m only. Today it is Sweden’s largest science centre with 4000 sq m indoor area and an exhibition park surrounding the buildings with an area of 8000 sq m.

The knave of Tom Tits Experiment as a pedagogical project is the exhibition around which the educational programmes and outreach activities are built. The exhibition is permanent and creates an example of informal learning. Although permanent it is at the same time always changing and new parts are added and old parts are improved in a constant process. Both visitors in general and professional teachers meet a learning environment representing the innovative experimental approach to the phenomena of natural sciences and technical principles from a wide range of angles.

In April 2004 a new permanent preschool (nursery school) has been established at Tom Tits Experiment. The opening of this school can be seen as the latest but not the final part of the continuous expansion that goes on at Tom Tits Experiment. The school has 60 young pupils from the ages between two and five years. The future plans are to expand this school with its pedagogic profile of science and technology and to cover all ages including an upper secondary school.

The impact of the Luigi Micheletti Award
The award has been reported in the Swedish press and has helped to add recognition for the work that is done at the museum. During 2006 the study visits to our preschool increased. We can also notice an increase of visitors from other countries.
The award has meant an enormous encouragement to our staff and their ambition to expand and improve the museum. It has also confirmed that the work is part of an international movement for spreading interest and knowledge about science and technology.

Tom Tits Experiment
Tom Tits Experiment
Tom Tits Experiment
Tom Tits Experiment
Tom Tits Experiment
Tom Tits Experiment
Tom Tits Experiment
Tom Tits Experiment
Tom Tits Experiment

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