Luigi Micheletti Award

Riverside Museum
Luigi Micheletti Award 2012 Winner
Riverside Museum - Glasgow (Scotland)

The Riverside Museum in Glasgow is Scotland’s Museum of Transport and Travel, housed in a spectacular building designed by Zaha Hadid, and is the successor of the Museum of Transport. In the 19th and first half of the 20th century the city was one of the most important producers of heavy engineering, such as locomotives and ships and made a significant contribution to the production of bicycles, prams and cars. The vast collection is displayed by type and also as part of nine main themes. Each of the story displays has been tailored to a specific target audience, and visitors are encouraged to contribute their memories, objects and images to the displays. The judges said: “it is a showcase of the past, present and future transport industries of the city, with its flexibility and commitment to the public.”

Riverside Museum
Riverside Museum

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